Your Pathway To Prosperity


UI/UX Design, Wealth Managment


UI/UX Design


Figma, JIRA


August 2023-December 2023


Design  Director- Jawsh Smyth
UI/UX Designer-  Vincent Yap
Junior Designer- Alexandra Molta
Sr. Director of Product- Mike Bal
President & Chief Strategy Officer- Karen Mangia

Project Overview
What is VIA?

VIA is committed to bridging the gap between resources and underserved communities, empowering individuals to achieve financial progress through accessible tools and support. With VIA, members of underrepresented communities can navigate financial opportunities, track their progress, and build momentum toward a better quality of life and financial independence.

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The Challenge

Accessing economic opportunities for improving financial literacy, well-being, and quality of life can be cumbersome and fraught with barriers, such as complex application processes, lack of awareness, and issues with documentation.


VIA addresses these challenges by using technology to streamline access to opportunities, matching users with relevant programs, educating them on available options, celebrating their progress, and securely managing required documents while offering support for those without standard records.

Significant Market Need

According to the FDIC’s 2019 “How America Banks Report” 5.4% of households or 7.1 million homes totally unbanked.

In 2020, 79% of white small business owners received at least a portion of the funding they sought, compared to 66% of Black and 67% of Hispanic business owners. (Federal Reserve)

Shining Light On Opportunity

Each year billions of dollars are set aside to help drive economic advancement and improve quality of life for underprivileged and under represented citizens. Yet, every year a significant percentage of those funds go unused due to:


Many individuals in need are unaware of available resources.

All Alone

Insufficient assistance for those without standard documentation.


Complex and cumbersome application processes.

Today’s Application Experience is Daunting

Individual Development Account (IDA)

Impact at Scale

What if every step forward was actually four?

Did you know that…

For every $1 saved in an IDA account, the state of Indiana matches $3?  VIA accelerates the pathway to progress by 3x and builds measurable momentum to achieve other financial goals.

design & Development

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Login Flow

The login flow features vibrant colors and friendly illustrations that create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The design includes easy-to-understand visuals and engaging graphics to guide users effortlessly through the login process.

IDA Application Flow

Encouragement Modal

This modal appears during lengthy IDA applications to keep users motivated and on track. It provides positive reinforcement and reassurance, acknowledging the user's progress and emphasizing that they are close to completion. The message encourages users to stay focused, offering support and highlighting the importance of their efforts. The goal is to reduce drop-off rates by keeping users engaged and reinforcing their commitment to finishing the application.

Submitting Application

design system

Warm & Inviting

VIA's UI design reflects a commitment to providing a clean, trustworthy, and guided user experience

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